Experiments to develop improved paddle wheel propulsion systems.
Conventional propellers used on watercraft are limited to approximately 70% propulsion efficiencies. This case study further investigated the use of paddle wheel propulsion with the aim to achieve propulsion efficiencies of up to 90%.
The assumption is that this device design will be used mainly on high-speed craft.
The technical aim included the construction of an experimental plant and prototype using a catamaran and a motor to drive the paddle wheel.
Detailed testing of a range of propulsion scenarios was undertaken.
Measurement of efficiencies and analysis followed.
Achievement of a hydrodynamic form capable of sustaining high speed of Froude numbers of 0.7 and above was hypothesised.
This project was undertaken in a collaborative arrangement with a major Australian University.
Registering for the R&D Tax Incentive — The Baking Stuff Case Study
Registering for the R&D Tax Incentive – ENVIROLOO Hypothetical Case Study
Registering for the R&D Tax Incentive – BIOFNATICS Hypothetical Case Study
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